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Checking Network Status

Knowing if your orthopedic doctor is in network or out of network can be challenging for patients and office staff alike. As a patient, with the financial responsibility, you are encouraged to verify that the provider you are working with is in network. You can do so by contacting the member services department of your health plan and inquiring about the network status of your provider. Member Service numbers can be found on the back of your insurance card.

It may be helpful for you to know the following information about Newport Orthopedic Institute prior to contacting membership services.

  • Newport Orthopedic Institute's NPI: 1164774600
  • Insurance Contracted Name: Orthopedic Institute of Newport Beach, LP (our legal name)
  • DBA Name: Newport Orthopedic Institute

Online Provider

We are aware that many health plans have online provider directories, and while they try to keep them up-to-date, they don’t always reflect real-time network status. If you don’t find your favorite Newport Orthopedic provider listed as an "in network" provider on your health plan's provider directory online, please call membership services and verify network status for the Orthopedic Institute of Newport Beach, LP (DBA: Newport Orthopedic Institute, NPI: 1164774600)

If you are still unable to confirm, feel free to contact our office for assistance checking your network status, including obtaining your providers individual NPI number so you can validate directly with your health plan.

Click here to be redirected to our Insurance Accepted page.

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Call us at (949) 722-7038

If this is a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.